Welcome to "How To" Page

by ZillionTech



Some websites require paid registration in order to access their content, but yet they still want Google to index their content to make it appear in search results. Most sites who do this have a flaw that allows unregistered users to access their content.


  1. Find the exact page that you want in a list of Google search results. For example, if I know there isa page on RegisteredAccess.com that has some data about turtles that is only accessible to registered users, I would search on google by typing in "site:RegisteredAccess.com turtles". Once I find the link to this article, I simply click on "Cached" link (just below the search result)
  2. More often than not the website will not redirect you to their registration required page. If they do, disable Javascript in your browser and click on "Cached" from the search results again.
  3. Some registration sites have common logins which you can find at Bug Me Not. You can see our "how-to" on BugMetNot by clicking here.